Welcome to CLIR Coaching's Blog

If you’re landing here for the first time, welcome! We’re grateful you’re taking time to explore CLIR Coaching’s blog. We started CLIR Coaching based upon our four core beliefs which are reflected in our name:

  • CAPABILITIES: To be effective in your role as a leader, you need to have a set of well-developed capabilities. Early career skills are technical—you succeed based on your ability to work skillfully in your core discipline. But as you advance, you’ll need to develop relational skills along with conceptual skills to handle the many challenges navigating life inside complex organizations demand. Our work helps leaders build these two critical capabilities which we know are essential to succeeding in top level roles.

  • LEADERSHIP: We focus on leadership capabilities. Leadership is what’s needed to motivate a group of people to achieve common goals. These capabilities range from influence and persuasion and executive presence and team building to decision-making as examples. Top managers need strong leadership to meaningfully engage their colleagues, work through challenging human capital situations, develop their team’s talent and make tough business decisions. We help clients think through these challenges in ways that enable solution finding, but also build core leadership skills.

  • INSIGHTS: Coaching isn’t telling—it’s engaging in ways the enables leaders to see new perspectives and possibilities. A good coach shouldn’t give advice; they should focus on being a sounding board, a thought partner, and an advocate with a critical eye. They don’t judge but rather offer novel ways of framing a situation. This is what helps you uncover genuine insights. We create a safe environment where you can share challenges and opportunities along with feelings and concerns that foster an honest exploration of what’s on your mind—professional and personally.

  • RESULTS: All of our work together will be of little value if you don’t achieve results. Sometimes that’s transitioning effectively from one role to another or handling a particularly difficult human relations issue. Maybe it’s overcoming behaviors that are adversely impacting your work or developing new ones required for future success. Regardless of the specific situation, we’re committed to working with you to achieve those results. Every executive coach should be.

Over the course of our careers, we’ve been senior leaders in organization’s we’ve both joined and started. We’ve served as faculty at the best universities in the world. We’ve worked with scores of organizations—public, private, non-profit and public sector, advised hundreds of managers, and taught thousands of students over the past 25 years. We’ve written about it in our book. We’re professionally certified by the International Coaching Federation and members of Harvard’s Institute of Coaching. We tell you all this for one reason: so you can feel comfortable we’ve have the skills to help you solve your most pressing issues.

That said, take a look around the CLIR Coaching site and blog to gain a sense of who we are and what we do. Sign up for our email newsletter if you’d like tips on becoming a more effective leader. If you have something on your mind, feel free to give us a call for a complementary first conversation. Thank you again for visiting our blog. We wish you the best on your leadership journey and are ready to help when needed.

Laura and Ed